I love ebooks, but speaking as an author, there's nothing quite like holding the physical edition of your book in your hands. For me, that's when it really hits home that the story is no longer a work in progress, but a real, honest-to-gosh book. Something that people can put on their shelves and share with their friends and curl up in a favorite chair with and lose themselves in, the way I've done with so many books in my life. In this case, the realization is particularly weighty, as it's not just this one book finished and ready for readers. The entire Shattered Sigil trilogy is complete--something I can still hardly believe, after so many years spent with Dev and Kiran!
But here is the proof (in more ways than one, heh):
One lovely copy of The Labyrinth of Flame! This after three rounds of proofs and a whole lot of emails with the printing company--turns out illustrations make the printing process a lot more complicated, plus there were some issues with spine width and cover font transparency that had to be fixed. But I'm very happy with the final product! I ended up having the illustrations printed on special insert paper, and they look great:
Books for my Kickstarter backers are being printed now, and should be shipped to me after Thanksgiving. Soon as I get them I'll be signing and mailing them out. It's my hope that all the books will be in backers' hands before Christmas.
If you missed the Kickstarter, Dec 1 is the release date on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and other online retailers for the ebook of The Labyrinth of Flame. Pre-order links are live on Amazon, Kobo, and iBooks, and should soon be live at Barnes & Noble.
Due to the delay from getting print issues sorted out, it'll be a few weeks after Dec 1 before a physical edition becomes available to the general public. As soon as I have a firm date, I'll announce it here.
In the meantime, I'm off to celebrate Thanksgiving properly: by spending the week in the wilds of Utah, scrambling over the slickrock that inspired the scenery of The Labyrinth of Flame. Talk about a perfect way to mark the book's completion. May you have an equally excellent end to your November!